Display headline figures and keep track of key stats

One of the most important parts of designing an effective dashboard is ensuring that you have selected the right metrics and KPIs to display.

Apteco Orbit's new calculated measures feature gives dashboard creators and editors the ability to calculate their own measures using simple summations. Calculated measures comprises of simple operators to allow you to add, subtract, multiply and divide data variables and/or full counts of system tables together, and display the result as a single number tile, or any other visualisation. Calculate click-through-rates, average transactions per customer/ product / brand, response rates and much more, to clearly display your most important metrics and KPIs on your dashboard.

Calculated measures
Quickly and easily perform powerful calculations
Quickly and easily perform powerful calculations

Simply add, subtract, multiply, or divide by selecting operations from a drop-down menu.

Identify trends more easily
Identify trends more easily

Display key marketing metrics like click-through-rate, response rates or averages on a single number tile in order to keep track of marketing outcomes.

Democratise your data
Democratise your data

No need to define, create, or adjust data tables. Apteco dashboards will do the hard work for you.

Future developments
Future developments

This is the first iteration of calculating measures in Orbit dashboards - stay tuned as there is more to come!